Made with by Daniela in San Francisco Bay Area, Califronia.
Commissioning is a critical part of our product value chain as it sets the quality of the data used for developing any external or internal applications. To support enterprise applications, we must be able to offer an effective and efficient commissioning process that allows access to accurate data scalably.
Previous commissioning workflow takes hours to weeks for activation post hardware installation: - Relies on installer to send a handwritten commissioning sheet (can take hours to days) - Relies on installer to send accurate commissioning information (can take days or weeks to reconcile) - Cloud architecture requires at least 2 - 6 hours prior to start - Mapping breaker and panel data in admin console is duplicate work which can add hours - Commissioning using multiple tools (admin console, databricks, setup tool)
Proposed new workflow is expected to take 30 minutes for activation post hardware installation: - Eliminates need for installer to handwrite commissioning sheet - Built in system validations to improve accuracy of installation and commissioning - Immediate data validation enables higher data quality from the start - Pre-filled labels and architecture changes removes redundant data entry - Single source of truth for hardware configuration file to enable engineering
1. Enable full commissioning from a mobile app itself 2. Single Commissioning Tool (globally supported)
I was responsible for the user flow, wireframe, mockup, usability tests, interviewed people and designed surveys, visual design for user interface and interactions, and illustration. Finally delivered the prototype to the engineering team.
On the project management part, I was responsible to help to define product beneficiaries from my research, workflow steps, stages, design requirements, and established design release criteria.
I worked with our Aiot engineers and growth team including marketing, training, and customer success. Our project team includes a product manager, two engineers, one person from customer success, and me, who acted as the researcher + designer.
The whole project is about 3 months. For the design part: Ideation: 3 weeks Research: 2 weeks Visual Design: 2 weeks
What went well:
Always put the user-centered in the mind. Don't limit on the app interaction itself, we need to consider a holistic view including user's physical environment and their sequential activities. Always keeping a service design in mind is helpful.
There are still many scenarios we didn’t touch yet, like the 2nd time installer and returned installer for fixing problems. There are lots of opportunities to optimize multiple characters’ journeys in the future.